Three of Pentacles

Success! You may find that you are now being praised for your achievements, encouraged with your projects and rewarded for your efforts. The affiliations that formed in the Two of Pentacles are now coming to fruition. As a result of this you will feel extra confident and your self esteem will be high. Others may start to notice your success, and word of your skills and talents may spread, you have made a name for yourself and can now enjoy respect and admiration.

Remember to stay grounded and keep working towards your goals. You are feeling success and this is wonderful but see it as a pit-stop and not the destination. There is still work to be done, this card is a reminder that you are on the right track.

If your business also affects other people this would be a good time to include them in any celebrations. Let them know that you value them. This will win loyalty and raise moral - which in turns leads to greater productivity.