Three of Pentacles

“Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.” – Steve Jobs

Element of earth power: The Three of Pentacles is about sharing ideas and experiences that are fundamental in the successful completion of the entire project or even a life path. This Three is about collaboration for a just cause. The Three of Pentacles therefore represents the coming together of different kinds of knowledge in order to build something together.

Three of Pentacles represents the importance of collaboration and assures that successful teamwork will insure success in all pursuits of business, deals, and ventures of any other kind of endeavor.

Usually balance is attained in three as well. When you draw the Three of Pentacles it would mean that there is a successful achievement or construction that calls for these requirements to pursue a business, deal, venture, or any other kind of endeavor. Three of Pentacles suggests that the collaboration can be successful if and when all the necessary requirements are met.

The Three of Pentacles means that all the skills required are coming together. In short, you are enjoying working together as part of a team and also in the initial success of this bigger project. The Three of Pentacles also tends to reveal a beginning, a successful beginning, towards achieving your goals. It is a sign of encouragement that you should press on with the same effort without giving up.

You may struggle to accomplish your goals as an individual, but the Three of Pentacles also teaches people to not ignore the talents of the others that surround them. You need the collaboration of others with diverse viewpoints, experiences and expertise to accomplish something more than you could have ever dreamed of by yourself.

At times of imbalance: Even though you may have the appropriate team players or collaborates to work with you, everything may not always come together as planned, requiring more focus on each one's abilities and the need to apply some wholesome groundwork before you can start again.

Medicine: When it comes to teamwork or focusing on all the relevant energies at work, careful planning is advised before you rush into executing the plan.

Mantra: I trust in my team.