Five of Wands

“Faust complained about having two souls in his breast, but I harbor a whole crowd of them and they quarrel. It is like being in a republic.” - Otto von Bismarck

Element of fire power: The Five of Wands indicates a block in your creative flow. The free flow of fire is restricted so you may experience some internal frustrations, such as internal fighting or judgment of yourself or of another. This inner conflict is also known as a silent war. Since you have not given yourself a voice yet, no one will hear you rage on this war.

However, there is also a greater influence of energy that pushes you to rise above this internal chaos. Take time to listen to what others, such as your support system, have to say about your situation, even if you do not agree with what is being said. It is important to have an objective view.

When you draw this card, it is a sign that you are ready to face the situation and do something about it. Ask yourself what obstacles stand between you and your goals. The key is to learn to listen, not with anger but with the knowing that you are supported. You see how internal harsh judgement becomes soft nourishment for your heart.

This is how you learn to dance with energy and to balance your creativity. The immediate solution may be more productive to you than you expect - if you manage how you listen. Take time to change your environment so that you can test your ideas.

The Five of Wands suggests that you do not seek a right or a wrong answer, but to see the first instinctive answer as a solution. Bring your head and your heart into an alignment and you will feel internal peace.

At times of Imbalance: This concentrated charge of energy strives vainly to find a possibility for expression. Life becomes a burden.

Daily life and its activities seem to feel heavier than usual. We are reminded to not surrender to the situation and to give up our power, but to observe from a higher state of awareness, the power of objectivity.

Medicine: We are reminded that all things take time, and it is important to take each step as a deliberate process moving forward. Don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed. Always look again at what you have already accomplished. Take everything a little easier.

Mantra: I am fully capable of expressing my feelings and creativity.