Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords symbolises an individual who has a penetrating keen mind and a manner of speech to match. When this Queen appears, be aware that in no uncertain terms you will have your illusions shattered and your flaws drawn to your attention.

Traditionally this card was associated with grief, widowhood, infertility and spinsterhood. The air signs of Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius are also said to be associated with this Queen.

In the Rider Waite deck the Queen of Swords is shown wearing a cloak covered in clouds, symbolising both contentious dialogue and her tendency to be intellectually orientated. She holds her sword vertically in front of her in a self-defensive position. She is neither threatening nor unduly harsh, but alert to any threat that may come her way and is likely to strike if provoked.

The crown of butterflies reveals a glimpse of the hidden story of the Queen of Swords and hints that she perhaps was not always so acerbic and direct. Butterflies are creatures which undergo a metamorphosis from caterpillar, to pupal stage, to the final butterfly. Through a plethora of trials, the character of the Queen of Swords has been thrust into the pits of deep psychological alchemy and in order to survive she has had to relinquish the traits of naivety and compassion. If you suffer the brunt of this Queen’s sword, be well aware that you are dealing with an individual who has a valid reason to feel affronted and threatened. The red band on her left wrist is a traditional Victorian symbol of widowhood and mourning and it is clear to see that this Queen’s personality has been shaped through grief and loss.

In a love reading the Queen of Swords can indicate an impending split or significant tensions within your relationship, and can mark the beginning of a period of loneliness. It reveals a woman who has had quite her fill of being neglected, ignored, taken advantage of and, quite possibly, cheated on. In this instance it shows that you or your partner will stand up for themselves and be quite forthright about how they feel. Though the words used may be harsh, the positive side to this Queen is that everyone knows where they stand.

When this card shows as advice, it urges you to be much more clear and direct about how you feel and to not fret over sparing anyone’s feelings. If a person represents a third party influencing your relationship, be warned that their appearance reflects someone who thrives on turmoil and aggression and may become a significant menace to your partnership. If this card is signifying how someone views you, it is highly unfavourable as it reveals they see you as unnecessarily sharp-tongued, bitter, and unsympathetic.

In a work reading this Queen represents knowing what you want and how to go about getting it. It urges you to value logic, to be concise and candid in your communications and to not let anyone browbeat you into accepting less than you deserve. Alternatively it can reveal that a female in your workplace is out to undermine and unseat you because they have no affection for you.

Positive Aspects: intelligent, forthright, candid

Negative Aspects: grief, widowhood, spinster, contention, spite, controversy, quarrels, bitterness, independence through circumstance rather than choice