Queen of Swords

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." - Oprah Winfrey

Element of air power: The Queen of Swords is sternly sitting on her throne. Just like this Queen, so too does the mind sit sternly on the throne of the soul. Thus, the Queen of Swords represents the cool stern presence of the mind as well as your physical being.

The sword in her right hand is pointed towards the sky, whereas the left hand is extended like it is offering something.

The Queen of Swords gives us the gift of judgment for everyday decisions and having the flexibility to take in knowledge from others. This Queen is an archetype of an older, wiser, feminine intellect. She could be thought of as the most masculine of the all the queens, and may come off as quite stern and emotionless.

This card represents the importance of making judgments without relying on emotion alone. The Queen of Swords suggests that you look at all the facts before making a decision. The Queen of Swords also reminds you to have compassion. Her hand is reaching outwards, gesturing openness and approachability to connect to people using intellectual and understanding. The element of Power that we often wish to have is not always at our fingertips, and so we work on our perceptive abilities to discern what we are facing.

Y0u must rely on unbiased, neutral intelligence. While you are exploring and researching alternative viewpoints, think carefully before making your decision. Compassion and empathy in these cases can distract you from your task, so you need to keep objectivity in place to avoid emotional reactions while regarding any potential outcome.

The Queen of Swords can also be about the way that we speak with others. This Queen has the ability to tell people the way it is. This allows her to get her point across, so there is no confusion about what is being said. Above all, truth is important to her, so she feels no need to soften her comments, thoughts, or opinions. She also expects the same frankness from other people, so this means that you need to be clear with everything that is being said, even if it may hurt.

At times of imbalance: The Queen of Swords may become bitter, manipulative, and overly critical. She can also be exceptionally cruel, possibly because of an imbalance in wounds from her past. She may also have clouded perceptions because of these wounds. This may cloud her judgment and she may be unable to hold an unbiased viewpoint.

Medicine: The Queen of Swords can at times appear to be alone, but her discernment is valuable. Apply balance and healthy discernment when you do apply perception. You will be able to find inner guidance when you step back and observe all things with clarity and healthy logic.

Mantra: Daily I apply clarity and calmness to my life path.