Ten of Pentacles

The Ten of Pentacles is one of the most universally positive cards to appear in a reading. It symbolises generational wealth, a dynastic family, stability, and extreme financial success.

When this card shows in a reading, you can rest assured that more stable and abundant times are on their way. In the Rider Waite deck a young family is depicted in the forecourt of a grand estate, revelling in the luxuries that their wealth affords them.

The grand abode shown appears to be made of stone, a material built to last, indicating the strength and lasting nature of this family’s foundations. Beside them is a pair of white dogs. Dogs represent fidelity and their white colour symbolises purity. Since they are a pair, this represents commitment and devotion to a partnership. In the foreground of the scene, a man who appears to be the patriarch of the family looks on with admiration and pride, content that the wealth and legacy he has created will endure. These depictions represent traditional family values, heritage, and dynastic sensibilities.

In a love reading the Ten of Pentacles represents a solid family foundation, family wealth and a commitment to living a life according to the inherited values you and your partner both share. It can indicate that you will build a solid life together and be materially successful in that endeavour. It also indicates the need to conform to either you or your partner’s family values, in which case it would be wise to put your best foot forward and play a traditional or conservative role.

On the less positive side, this card can indicate that you or your partner’s family are very status conscious and guard acquired wealth jealously. This card often appears as an obstacle where one party’s family has a great deal of wealth, has overly restrictive values, and is perhaps justifiably cautious about welcoming those they perceive as outsiders.

In the worst situations this card can also warn of financial abuse, that you or your partner’s family will use the prospect of cutting off inheritances or financial aid should they choose to pursue a partnership with you. The Ten of Pentacles represents a family concerned not merely with financial legacies but moral and perhaps religious ones too. A word to the wise, this family will not be inviting to those who wish to “break the mould” and tread the less beaten path.

In a work reading this card is primarily concerned with family businesses. It can show that you work in a family business, that your family has a business, or that you yourself will start a family business which will create a legacy for your descendants. This card often appears for entrepreneurs when they are on the precipice of creating an extremely profitable business empire with diverse assets and interests. It also pops up when the querent is about to enter a period of great stability and wealth; however this may be because they are the beneficiary of an inheritance. Either way, in a monetary regard, the Ten of Pentacles is one of the best omens for financial blessings.

Positive Aspects: great wealth, dynastic wealth, stable family, material comfort, ability to gift legacies, traditional values, respectable heritage

Negative Aspects: status conscious family, financial abuse, restrictive values, lack of acceptance