
Life changing experiences can come in many ways.

Perhaps something or someone has been a catalyst for your change, they may have provoked new levels of thought or feeling, made you rethink old and outdated views and opinions or maybe circumstances no longer permit old attitudes and habits.

It could be that you feel reborn or that you have been given a new lease of life.

You may have experienced a life changing event that has forced you to rethink everything and compensate for past mistakes. Much like the character of Scrooge in Dickens 'A Christmas Carol'.

We have free will do as we please but in doing so we must live with the consequences of the choices we make. This is how we learn and grow.

You may be feeling that you are being punished unfairly. Rather than feeling sorry for yourself, use this experience as a time to start anew, forget outdated regimes and rules, and create an atmosphere that improves life for all of those concerned.

You are the author of your own destiny.