Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is freshly reborn, innocent and open, unique in his own flavor of being, trusting the impossible. As a result, he makes what once was impossible possible.

This Page is an evolutionary master for new benevolence and an ascended world worthy of trust.

He has not been debauched by worldly limits. He may be very young with an idyllic home and upbringing. Nothing has never been shattered nor need it be!

I remember a young woman who knew nothing of the “starving artist" belief. Her first book landed a big publisher despite colleague's warnings that she would need to reach this goal over many years.

I remember my kitten kissing a three-foot snake as I screamed to him to come inside: “All is well. Don't worry Laurie," he told me. As it turned out, all was well!

An older Page of Cups has had some kind of life turning point that leaves them cleansed of past doubts, full of new faith in life's endless wonderfulness. A spiritual opening or life turn-around has occurred.

These Pages are joyous ones, unconcerned with others' self-imposed dramas, the worldly paradigms. They will tell everyone that all is well. They are optimistic, brave, and maintain an eager and loving heart. They feel like a breath of fresh air.

An animal's ability to be unconditionally loving is a product of the Page of Cups.

Do you feel a new sense of hope, promise, faith in your unique ways and contributions? Do you feel trust in the world's ability to meet your very sweet desires? Are you seeing the good in others?

Often this Page represents ourselves. Sometimes he represents another who is here to encourage us.

When you stray from this Page's path, too much turmoil and disappointment over time weakens your hope. It has become easier to hide or dilute genuine wishes. It is easier to forget about your ideal standards than trust that fulfillment can come.

The Page of Cups reminds us that we can find a well of new optimism. This happens when we heal remnants of previous disappointing times that remain alive in our memories. Clear clean goodness is forever at the center of our hearts once the healing is accomplished.


Can I find a place inside myself that is untouched by any life traumas, still full of hope, positive perspective, joy generating unconditionally?

If not, tenderly feel each layer of emotion that comes up inside you, until you find that place of ease at core.


Dwell on a place deep inside your heart that knows all is well, beyond circumstances of past and present.