Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups talks about abundance and satisfaction, receiving what you want, but also is a great reminder to find and focus on your own contentment wherever you currently are in life.

It's easy to be caught up in so many problems that we forget to count our blessings. Sometimes we don't want to count our blessings because we're not in the mood and nothing seems to be going right.

There's a magical thing that happens though, when you sit back and force yourself - in times that are less than happy - to look at what you have, even if it's just your favorite cereal for breakfast. You start shifting your own chemicals to be more in line with the abundance you are seeking.

A lot of people have misconceptions about the law of attraction and how it's just about thinking about what you want, then getting it. But that's not really the case.

To get super metaphysical on you, if you want more abundance in your life, you have to see abundance in what you have, and like I said, things start to shift. You raise your vibrations. And those vibrations become in line with what you want.

More importantly though, without getting the universe into it, when you do focus on the abundance in what you already have, you are finding ways to be happy in the present moment for yourself.

So spend some time today, get out a paper and pen and think about something you're grateful for. It could be large as the earth, or as small as being happy with the cereal you ate for breakfast today.

Be grateful.