Card 1:  How you feel about yourself »

The Hanged Man

You feel a little confused and perhaps fearful because you sense or know that there is someone or something you need to give up to be able to move on. This self-sacrifice isn't always clear - you may not even know quite what or whom you should give up.

This is a time of passage from one phase of your life to another and The Hanged Man can signify a time of spiritual development too. Perhaps you need to try and look at things from a different perspective.

Card 2:  What you want most right now »

The Hierophant

Right now you want to have someone around you that you can trust and confide in, knowing that they won't let you down.

There are moral issues here, knowing right from wrong, and you may feel that you need some advice or wise counsel from a teacher, priest, parent or someone you have a lot of respect for, in order to help you make the right decision.

Card 3:   Your fears »

The Star

You are fearful of the future and lacking in self-belief, afraid your hopes will be dashed. Well don't be! This is your wish card and signifies a time of joy and fulfilment.

Good health, possibly after a time of illness, and good fortune will give you a new zest of life. If considering a new love affair, new job or career, or travel, then go for it. You may also receive a gift or gifts!

Card 4:   What is going for you »

The Fool

This is an exciting time with lots of potential for fun and wonderful experiences. Your confidence should be high, it's a great time for new possibilities.

If you are considering leaving your job, home or relationship, at some point you will.

An unexpected desire will be fulfilled, even before you express it!

Card 5:   What is going against you »

The Moon

You are frozen with fear, lacking nerve and confused as to what it is you actually want.

You are allowing all your fears and anxieties to hold you back when you should be opening your mind to new and unexpected possibilities.

You do need to be careful however, as there are deceitful people around who may seem charming but are only out for their own gains. If in a clandestine affair beware, your secret may be exposed.

Card 6:  The likely outcome »

The World

Success, fulfillment and conclusion are near at hand - the successful outcome to a venture, satisfaction in a relationship and efforts rewarded.

It is a culmination of events and indicates material wealth and greater spiritual awareness.

You may decide to purchase your dream house, act upon a wonderfully-fulfilling relationship offer or embark on a self-actualization journey.


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