The Ten of Wands calls today to remind you that you are taking on too much. This card tells you that right now you must fine-tune your schedule to align yourself with what is truly important.
You have been working very hard and all the hard work is paying off. You have reached the end of a cycle, but a new one is on the horizon. In order to get to where you want to go, you have to delegate and find a rhythm that is more in tune with your path.
There is too much going on and too many tasks at hand. Sort out what is important and remove the rest. Stay focused on your true path! All is unfolding!
The Ten of Wands shows up to remind you that you are not meant to do this all alone. You have been burning the candle at both ends. Your work has greatly paid off and you are setting up your life exactly how you want it to be. However, there is more to do. And part of your task is to recognize that you cannot nor want to do it all.
Today is a day for you to step back and clarify what is really important and what is necessary to align yourself with that aim. Get really clear on what you need to do and what you do not need to do, then get clear on what you want to do. Itemize your results to create a schedule. Get rid of everything else. Be clear about your time and energy. Remember that sometimes you have to say "no".
Saying "no" is hard for you, but remember that it is a gift not only to you but to others as well. When you step out of the way and do what is in your best interest, you open a door for another to find their best interest as well. You give them a gift to find something they would not have found if you begrudgingly did something you truly should not or could not do. This card is reminding you to know when to say "no"!
The Ten of Wands speaks to our conditioning that "you have to do it all". We do not have to do everything, nor the last time I checked, do we want to. It is time for you to let go of all the control and let others in to help, to grow, and to shine! You will find that in doing this you will create a space for you to get bigger and reach the stars you have been dreaming of.
Take this time to create your schedule and hold to it. Set intentions and remember to include time in your schedule for rest and renewal. Most importantly, make sure you also schedule time for meditation. This is your key to creating and knowing the steps needed to progress to your highest Self.
This card is also reminding you that everything you need, you have within. You need only trust the guidance of your heart, which knows the way. You can let go of the fear of what others will think and the fear that you will not make it. First of all, it does not matter what anyone else thinks - that's their stuff. And secondly, you will make it to where you want to go. Trust in yourself and the power of the universe! You are both amazing!
Today's Meditation is the beautiful Sanskrit mantra Om Namah Shivaya.
This mantra has many meanings, but for me it means: "you have everything you need within, you are connected to it all, you are Divine!"
Come to a comfortable, relaxed place, with a straight spine. Sing, chant, or silently say this mantra to yourself. Whatever your choice is, pay attention to the vibration it creates in your body, in your mind, in your heart!
Say it 108 times. You can use a mala to help you keep count, or you can just say it for 5-10 minutes.
Let me know if you have any questions! This one is very special to me!