Seven of Wands

The Seven of Wands calls today to advise you to stand up and speak your truth.

This card wants you to be clear about your beliefs, to rely on the foundation that you built from within and know you are on path. It exhorts you to take action and go for the gusto!

It is time to align your actions with your beliefs. Your dreams will come true when follow your heart. Take a stand; know that you will not fail.

The time has come for you to bring everything you have been working towards into the physical world. Step into your optimal Self with confidence and the assurance that you will find your way.

The way to where you want to go already lives inside your heart; all the answers you seek are there, you need only take action. It may feel like the world is against you, but remember that everything is happening for you, not to you. The obstacles and oppositions you are facing are really just opportunities for you to grow. Start by noting where your focus is now and redirect it to where you want to be.

This is a time to release all your doubts, no matter what they are; you know in your heart what is right for you. Remember that you can speak your truth and take action with love, with compassion, and with the radiant light that your truly are. Trust in your heart, it knows the way.

If your question today is centered around love, the Seven of Wands shows up to remind you to speak from your heart and to clearly state you want. Release any and all exceptions to your desires and trust that the outcome will take you to a higher level. Even if things appear to be moving backwards or slowly, trust is your key. Remain clear and focused, remain true to yourself, and know that the love you are seeking is, in fact, seeking you as well.

You have asked for a sign and here it is. Get up and take the next right action; the right action for you, the right action that aligns you with your heart's desire. The path will unfold. Keep moving in the direction of your heart, and trust with all you are, you are progressing in your highest good. All is well, you are safe, have fun with it, and feel good about the life you are creating. It is supposed to feel good. That is how you know you are on path - it feels good!

P.S. Remember when it truly feels good it does not feel heavy, it feels light and true. Just because we have been conditioned to think something is right or wrong does not mean it is right or wrong for us. Trust in the intrinsic wisdom that is innate in you. Trust in your knowing of your truth.

Today's Meditation:

Find your sweet space, step inside. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Bring your attention into your breath and your heart, soften, relax, and move into stillness.

Silently to yourself, or out loud, repeat the words: "I radiate beauty, love, and light!"

Repeat this until your timer goes off, then just be still for as long as you can. Feel your radiant energy expand! Enjoy!