Page of Wands

The Page of Wands is a card of energy.

Whether this be a person coming into your life quickly with a lot of enthusiasm in their personality or something you have been wanting to change in your life which is on the verge of happening “now".

Whatever it may be this is not a dull, boring time for you, rather, it is a time of change.

There may be a new love interest arriving in your life and if you are single then this could well be a very exciting time for you. This is not a person who will be slow in coming forth, they will spring forth into your life with the type of energy that once ignited can take both of you places. They are also not the type of person that you need to keep an eye out for coming into your life, as when you meet them you will know. The energy of the Page of Wands is hard to miss!

If you are more laid back you may be thinking what's the rush. However, if you put the brakes on the Page of Wands he is likely to dash off in another direction and out of your life and into someone else's.

If there has been something you have been waiting for then the Page of Wands signifies it is about to happen.

Within a reading the cards surrounding this Page indicate the change that is coming, alongside the outcome you may expect. Any news you are waiting to receive will soon come.

Results of exams are often indicated with this card also. A telephone call, text, email from a friend or lover is also imminent. If you have not thought about how you will respond to such communication then now is the time to do so, as this Page demands quickness in a response.

This is a Page who is full of energy and expects the same in return.