Two of Swords

The Two of Swords is a card of ambivalence and stalemate-type situations. When it shows up it signals that you are dealing with your fair share of conflicts which are not reaching resolution easily.

With this card it is also implied that there is a need to tread carefully around certain people lest you inflame matters further. Moreover the Two of Swords symbolises equally matched talents, therefore your adversary is in a position to meet your blows with similar force and will not be easily beaten.

In the conflict represented by this card, a certain intransigence on the part of both sides is suggested. Neither will cede ground willingly, nor will they be open to the virtues of compromise. In this case the Two of Swords can represent delayed decisions, taking one's time before deciding upon a course of action as well as a need to conform so as not to disturb the status quo.

In the Rider Waite deck a character is shown blindfolded and seated as though in suspended animation. These representations show a state of stasis, an unwillingness to change, and a certain obstinacy of mindset. The moon is shown in a crescent phase, indicating that it will take time for matters to become clearer as this moon phase is associated with changeable circumstances. The water behind the seated character is seemingly calm but has rocks strewn across the surface which indicates a stagnant situation beset with obstacles. The swords which the character wields are held in a crossed position, indicating blockages, and since the suit of swords is primarily concerned with mental processes, this reflects a stubborn or unreceptive mindset. The white colour of the blindfold not only reflects being unwilling to see other points of view, but may also suggest a certain neutrality of thought and emotional detachment.

In a love reading the Two of Swords is not especially positive. It represents a couple unwilling to take a calm approach when arguments become too colourful. It also reveals that in terms of cruelty, you can both be as bad as one another. In this context, it shows that because of your stubborn natures, it can take time for the two of you to resume civil communication. In a more positive vein, and an interpretation which is not often applicable, the Two of Swords can show that a couple are well matched intellectually and that this brings a sense of harmony to the relationship.

In terms of feelings, the Two of Swords indicates that your person of interest is currently undecided about where to take their connection with you. You need to wait for further indications of what their intentions may be since they are in the process of weighing up pros and cons.

In a work or career reading the Two of Swords indicates that you need to do more to shine amidst the competition. The advice is to not rest on your laurels as your competitors are more than able to outperform you. This card can also show quarrels within the workplace and differing opinions, or it can show that you and a colleague both bring valuable views to the table and have your own individual strengths. If you are curious about the outcome of a job interview, it is unlikely you will be offered the job as management has somebody else in mind.

Positive Aspects: balanced forces, weighing up options, mental alignment, making crucial decisions

Negative Aspects: stalemates due to equally matched opponents, intractable disputes, ambivalence