Two of Swords

The Two of Swords calls on you today to bring the message of choice, of clear thoughts, balance and of trust in your intuition!

It speaks of the time when a choice must be made, a choice to trust the spiritual realm, the unseen, your soul! In this moment, life may feel overwhelming. You may be unsure of what steps to take next. You may even be unsure about what just happened. You are being reminded to believe in who you truly are, to trust your heart and know that you are on path.

Although it addresses a point in time when you are feeling disconnected, the Two of Swords reminds you that really you are very grounded and connected. It speaks to the female energy in you, a sense of balance from deep within. Allow the earth to draw away feelings of uncertainty so your true intuition can be heard. Close your eyes to the physical world and go deep within. Your heart will lead you to where you want to go. There is wisdom and many guiding forces within your intuition.

This is a time for inner reflection, a time to step back and clear your space, to let silence be your guide. Open yourself up to love in all its forms. It is coming in ways you least expect to help your path unfold. Let go of your ego and allow your self to receive. It is through the receiving that you will be able to help others tenfold.

The Two of Swords has appeared to let you know you have a choice, remember? You get to choose if your feelings and emotions run the show or if you do. This is a time to allow release from your feelings and emotions, to rise up above them, to see with your inner sight; to let Divine wisdom take point and to trust in what you cannot see.

There is a situation right now that you are very confused about. This card is requiring you to get really clear about who you are and what you want. You are an infinite being, you have the power to overcome this situation that at present feels like an obstacle. Start asking how to turn this situation into an opportunity for enhancement. Start asking how to make things better then they are. These questions will raise your vibration and tune you into the answers you seek.

Find that inner space, the space between your thoughts, and listen! This is not a time for total inaction, however. This is a time to take care of what needs attention. Clean your house, pay your bills, spend time in nature. Do the things you know you must do in order to maintain balance and focus in your life. Take care of yourself, love yourself, and remember to be grateful for everything - even the times that are challenging!

Today's meditation:

Allow yourself to exist in the space between.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position with a straight spine. Relax your entire body. Bring your attention into your breath. Simply follow your breath as it flows in and out of your body for a few minutes.

Next begin to deepen your breath, fill yourself entirely up, with as big of an inhale as possible. Hold this breath in for as long as you comfortably can, bring your attention into your heart, the vibration, the energy from which you are made.

When you exhale, exhale slowly and release all of the breath, hold it out, for as long as you comfortably can. Keep your attention in your heart. Continue to breathe this way for 10-20 minutes, allowing yourself to exist in the space between your inhale and exhale.

Note: Holding your breath should last about 3-5 seconds; if when you exhale or inhale you do so rapidly, you are holding your breath too long. Shorten your hold time so breathing is gentle, effortless, and comfortable. This should feel really good! If thoughts start to flood your mind, simply bring your attention back into your breath and your heart.
