Two of Swords

The Two of Swords sometimes indicates that you are stifling a natural response in a situation, or maybe avoiding a truth. Usually, this card comes up when situations are at a standstill.

Typically when I pull it, it is a means for me to relay to someone that they need to either stop focusing on something, or that they should not be taking action in a situation.

If you are stifling a natural response, ask yourself, "why?"

In romantic situations we do this out of fear of what the other party might say, or we fear that our natural response might push them away. The truth is, if you are stifling a natural response, you are diminishing yourself, and you aren't in the right relationship. You should be able to be yourself.

Do not twist yourself in knots trying to accommodate others who might not accommodate you. On the other hand, open up, and you may see others open up, but if they do not, know that it has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with them.

It's also easy to put an inordinate amount of time on something that might not be going the way we want it to, or when we want to have more control over something. Typically, these situations involve work and relationships, so allow this to be a gentle reminder that now is not the time to either focus or make a move on whomever or whatever has your attention.

As far as relationships, sometimes people need space to do things they need to do, so when they come back to us, the whole situation is better. Sometimes we need to make sure that someone else acts - not us.

One of the most important things in relationships is to remember to not put yourself in the position of either needing to convince someone of your worth, or to remind them that you exist, or to force anything in general. If anything is forced, step back, remember your worth.

If your situation has to do with work, or any other area that needs a solution, know that sometimes when you want to make something happen, or try to take more effort with something that you think needs more of your attention, pausing is the best course of action here.

Refocus your energy on something else, either because you are not meant to be focusing on this particular problem, or because sometimes when we train our brain to focus on something else, our brain does some of the work behind our back. When we are able to finally go back to what we are doing, we have the actual solutions we need, rather than the ones we were trying to come up with out of desperation.