Six of Swords

"Everyone thinks about changing the world, but nobody thinks about changing themselves" - Leo Tolstoy

Element of air power: The Six of Swords represents arrested development in one's own thought process. It can also represent a momentary pause, but the state of emotion is still required to carry this journey through. You may possibly feel that you are fleeing something, and must leave without others knowing in order to establish your true identity.

This card symbolizes the strong power of the rational mind, compared to intuition and the heart.

The Six of Swords represents transition from one thought process to another, but one that may not be filled with immediate happiness. This transition will most likely be the result of decisions from the past, and now you are forced to deal with what you are leaving behind in order to move forward.

Despite the sadness, you need to remember that moving on is the ideal option for your future. Life is filled with moments when you are going to be forced into letting go of things that you have become attached to. This will be challenging. The Six of Swords shows the sadness that you may be feeling, but you have to remember that the pain will not last, so you should look instead to the future for strength.

In life there will be times that the only way to fix a problem is to leave it and move to start anew. You may feel like this is the coward’s way out, but escape is the only approach that is left when you have tried all other methods. The important part is to plot your new course that will lead you to happiness. The Six of Swords, in this case, allows you to plan using your logic, clarity, and objectivity to see where you are now, where you have been and where you want to go. Intuition can help, but you need to think logically to ensure your success.

At times of imbalance: You may feel that you have been trying to move forward and trying to make the transition, but the more you try, the more you may be experiencing challenges of that same past that you are trying to outrun. You may also have been feeling that you are forced into making moves before you wanted to, or you do not want to move at all. In this case, you should think about the benefits of the moves, instead of the drawbacks. You must only look ahead and not backwards, for if you do look backwards you risk falling apart.

Medicine: This process may feel like loss, but with the process comes hope and the overcoming of the past hurts. The symbolism within the Six of Swords is that of loss or change, as well as moving towards a future that may appear to look more promising than the one that you left behind. You will be forced to let go of things that you have felt attached to. This will feel challenging. The good thing is that this also will not be a long-lasting situation.

As you progress forward, more positive energy comes to you as you overcome the past, despite your sadness.

Mantra: I use my sacred intuition to see my path forward.