Page of Swords

The Page of Swords is an officious character, always alert, keen, and eager to know the business of those around him. His intentions are generally not benign since gleaning information on the private business of others and spreading gossip is his chief pastime.

In the Rider Waite deck this Page is portrayed on a slight vantage point of a mound of grass, holding his sword aloft, ready to defend himself, attack others, and engage in poisonous repartee.

The birds shown at a distance in the background of the card represent messages and information. Since they are somewhat difficult to perceive clearly, they may be hinting that the source of the information is unclear or that it may be second-hand. It is unclear whether the birds are approaching or departing. This ambiguity reveals that information may be relayed to the Page which he then disseminates on the behalf of another person.

Be on the lookout for false friends! The clouds depicted inform the querent that there may be misunderstandings or false information that needs to be addressed. Make no mistake, the Page of Swords is an eavesdropper and an agitator. The presence of this Page in your reading is a warning that someone is either spying on you or is dripping poison into someone’s ears about you.

In a love reading be on the lookout for friends or family members who are taking too much of an interest in your relationship. Be aware that there may be those who are envious of you and wish to sow the seeds of doubt and discontent in your mind. The Page may also represent a former lover who is keeping tabs on your new life and is secretly waiting for your current relationship to end so that they can reappear. It can also advise you that someone is speaking ill of you to your love interest, negatively affecting their opinion of you.

If this Page relates to you and your partner, it may be advisable to reconsider the way you engage with one another. Avoid one-upmanship and be more considerate in your choice of words.

In a work context, the Page of Swords can represent someone who is sabotaging you. Perhaps there is a colleague who is keeping tabs on you, or you have someone within your company who is divulging secrets to competitors. In a more positive sense in a work reading, the Page of Swords can be a card of encouragement, advising you to survey your market and do further research.

Positive Aspects: further research, keen mind

Negative Aspects: eavesdropping, gossip, false friend, sabotage, manipulation, espionage