King of Swords

“The main condition for the achievement of love is ... to see other people and things as they are, objectively, and to be able to separate this objective picture from a picture which is formed by one's desires and fears.” - Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

Element of air power: The King of Swords suggests that you should remain objective in your current situation. Establish truth by owning the facts.

The King of Swords shows you that you need to be stern in your role, while ensuring that you apply clarity of mind at all times. When you judge any situation it's important to validate logic and objectivity in order to discern. You will need to place your feelings outside the door of judgment when you maintain rational thinking at times. The King of Swords suggest that you take time while reasoning with others and to be candid with your keen ability to be observational.

The King of Swords urges you to use your intellect and logic to maneuver your life path and the paths that lie ahead of you. It is vital to also confront issues with acquired logic and rational thinking. The King of Swords demonstrates the importance of impartiality while observing any situation, to be able to make any decision ethically.

Even though the King of Swords is someone with ethical clarity, he may appear to be stern. He acts this way because he is determined to achieve his goals. Alternatively, during difficult times or projects, the King of Swords suggests that a call to focus is important to keep in mind.

The King of Swords may also indicate situations that may be feeling challenging for you, especially during financial conflict or stress. It is important that at these times you make decisions with logic at your side.

At times of imbalance: The King of Swords may appear to be cold and tyrannical, even abusive and manipulative at times. If these moods are not managed, they can become habitual or used for the sake of not wanting to deal with an out-of-balance and emotionally disconnected heart.

Medicine: A healthy, diplomatic, and intelligently clear approach may be needed to clear up the situation.

Mantra: Daily I aim to balance my mind, body and soul.