Two of Pentacles

If the surrounding cards are positive, then the Two of Pentacles can represent a lucrative business partnership. It could be that you have teamed up with someone who can offer skills that compliment your own, and together you can build a successful venture. Be sure to draw up written agreements to avoid misunderstandings, avoid verbal agreements. Never mix business with pleasure. This person may be your friend but this is not about friendship its about business.

If the surrounding cards are negative, money worries could be affecting you, and you may find yourself taking out the pressure you feel on those closest to you. Aside from financial difficulties, you may be confused, or find that others are confused with your actions.

Communicate your concerns, try not to keep it bottled up.

If you are stressed, then it can be a worrying time for all concerned so letting others know what is going on can help to alleviate the pressure. Perhaps you feel that you always end up back where you started and this may be a time to look at your actions and try a different approach.

A shift, however subtle, may change the situation enough for you to free yourself from the loop. Beware of inconsistency.