Ten of Pentacles

“Real love instinctively desires permanence.” - Timothy Keller

Element of earth power: The Ten of Pentacles suggests that everything you have put your efforts into for a long time will eventually pay off in the future.

This card represents financial stability and the ability to achieve success with a long-term goal. Your legacy is sure to stand for quite a long time to come.

The Ten of Pentacles is rooted not only in financial success and stability, but it also displays affluence and lack of financial struggles. It also reminds you to make decisions in the present moment with ease and security of mind for any and all long-term goals you have in mind. In terms of family and the establishment of your goals, you know when you receive the Ten of Pentacles in your reading, that your plan towards the future will be secure.

In terms of relationships, the Ten of Pentacles represents abundance, affection and general positivity for singles as well as couples. From an emotional and material perspective, the two of you are in a strong position. It is likely that you have a strong foundation and that you have worked hard towards the path that you have envisioned. You are also being guided to use deeper discernment and awareness to not over invest.

It is likely that you have a strong foundation now for the planning of a family, should you choose to have one. That idea may indeed be on your mind; you may be working together on moving in together, buying a house, or starting a family. If you’re single, it might be that your family’s approval may have a strong effect on who you choose as a partner.

Your extended family may be very important to you, and having a harmonious relationship between them and your romantic interests is important to you. You are searching for something long-term, and you recognize that marriage is sometimes not just about love, but about joining two families together.

At times of imbalance: Not staying in a balanced outlook or being somewhat greedy in terms of practicing a healthy, balanced outlook in terms of your actions, can lead to a failure in the investment process or an over saturation of setting intentions in place, which may in turn swamp the person that you are wanting to be with for that future plan.

Medicine: Take a step back and evaluate whether your decisions right now will lead to more damage in the future. Work on slowing down. It is wise to adopt objectivity at all times.

Mantra: I manifest at the right time.