Six of Pentacles

If you find the Six of Pentacles in a spread, you may find yourself on the receiving end of the kindness of others. People will be there to help, guide, advise, and lend a hand just when you need it. It could be that on older, wiser and more experienced influence is just what you need right now. Alternatively, it could be that you are the one who can help others in this way; the advice here is to do so with good intentions and not exploit those who could be vulnerable right now. Be kind.

One of the most rewarding things that you can do is to be of service to others. To shine a light for those who find themselves on a path that you have once travelled. To offer the benefit of your wisdom.

Open your heart to those in need, do not make assumptions. You are not the judge, but you may just be the guide that makes all the difference to someone else's life.