Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles is a woman of wealth. Perhaps she is an heiress, an astute entrepreneur, a kept woman, or a woman with a wealth of knowledge who can offer you wise counsel.

Despite her high status in life, this is an individual who is reputed to be the epitome of generosity. As an archetype of the Pentacles suit, which represents wealth and inherited values, she will not only assist you financially, but her advice will be pragmatic and traditional.

In the Rider Waite deck the Queen of Pentacles is portrayed seated upon an ornately carved throne which represents her refined and artistic tastes. She gazes appreciatively at the pentacle she caresses in her hand. This depiction reveals that she knows how to guard her wealth, how to increase it, and how to enjoy the benefits it brings.

To the right hand side of the card a rabbit is present, symbolic of the fruitfulness of her projects and enterprises. Rabbits multiply frequently and at a rapid pace and are thus indicative of both wealth and fertility.

This Queen, however, does have her less positive side. She is known to be overly materialistic, greedy, and not inclined to pay much heed to spiritual pursuits. The Queen of Pentacles can also be somewhat dogmatic and overly stoic, so if you are looking for someone to coddle your delusions, you ought to look elsewhere.

In a love reading the Queen of Pentacles is an exceptional card to have appear, addressing your curiosity about how your partner views you. They see you as someone grounded, realistic, financially prudent, nurturing, and full of worldly wisdom. If you are looking for a commitment, this is a good omen as the Queen of Pentacles represents a woman in a conventional relationship.

If you are, however, in the initial stages of a connection, this card may be less positive. It can indicate that your person of interest already has someone to whom they have an obligation and they take their responsibility seriously. If you are asking if your lover will leave their wife or long-term girlfriend, the answer is usually negative. At the very least it will take them quite some time to extricate themselves from that situation. The Queen of Pentacles is all about commitment and old time values. If you are asking if your female lover is likely to choose you over their partner, the answer is negative.

In a work-related reading, the Queen of Pentacles is an excellent omen. It shows that your career will allow you to fund a very comfortable lifestyle, that you have the skills and wisdom to sustain it, and that you will go from strength to strength in your enterprises. If this card appears as a negative in your reading, it advises you to take a more pragmatic approach and to keep your aspirations a little more humble. It can also warn you that you ought to invest in things which are sure to give you a good return,

Positive Aspects: entrepreneurship, inherited wealth, pragmatism, wisdom, fertility, committed/married

Negative Aspects: greed, dogmatic attitude, lack of sense, marriage of convenience, lack of empathy