Page of Pentacles

The Page of Pentacles represents steadfast, focused energy, connection to the earth and connection to work.

This Page is practical, responsible and supportive.

Life has arrived at a sweet spot. You feel fulfillment with the work that you do, you found a rhythm to your daily life, and you like the direction life is moving. People count on you and you like that too.

You've been working long and hard, but it doesn't feel like work somehow. This experience is expanding you in so many ways. You have learned so much and now there is so much more to learn.

You feel more responsible than you ever have before, but for the first time responsibility doesn't feel like a burden. It feels like a gift.

You say what you mean and you mean what you say and you like the face that you see in the mirror. Even though you are doing so much, you are doing it all from your heart with kindness and compassion.

The Page of Pentacles shows up to remind you to stay in your heart. To be playful and curious, to keep it fresh, to continue learning and to keep your fire lit. Stay grounded and connected to the earth. She will help you remain on path by surrounding you with unconditional support and love.

Begin or renew a yoga and/or meditation practice to to keep you connected and united within.

Be outside in nature at least once a day, barefoot if possible. And take time every day to stop to be still and just remember who you truly are.

Today's Meditation:

Step into your sacred space, find stillness, relax. Set a timer for 10-20 minutes. Breath deeply, slowly, mindfully.

Place your right hand in the center of your chest and experience the vibration that is you. Become defenseless.

Open to love, the love you are made of.

Silently to yourself, or out loud, repeat the mantra: "The light within me grows brighter and stronger every day."

When the timer goes off, release your mantra. Be still for as long as you can.

Honor the light that you are made of.