King of Pentacles

The King of Pentacles is the father of abundance. He is like the sun. He rises every day to share his light with the world and asks nothing in return.

His appearance suggests that you will have ample quantities of everything you need that is good for you: plenty of money, many loving relationships, deepening spirituality, and stable foundations.

It is harvest time for you. You may enjoy the bounty.

The King of Pentacles is a card of true abundance. Abundance financially, abundance in love and abundance in spiritual consciousness. The presence of this card is a good sign, indicating that you are now stepping into your true abundance.

You've worked hard to get to where you are. You have seen your light and you know the power you have to create. You have created a beautiful life. Take time to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Let the warmth of the sun embrace you. Spend time with those you love. Honor the spiritual side in yourself. Be playful and make it fun.

If your question is regarding relationships, know that the King of Pentacles speaks to true love, lasting love, passionate love. Follow your heart and know that the person in question is true.

If no one is on the horizon yet, trust they will be soon. Love is in the air in abundance. Fall in love with love and let it lead the way.

The King of Pentacles is your reminder that abundance, true lasting, sustainable abundance, is your birthright, your true nature. Trust in your soul, trust in your path, trust in it at all.

Today's Meditation:

Find a sweet space, set a timer for 10-20 minutes, invite stillness in.

Relax your entire body, bring attention into your breath and the vibration of your heart. Allow yourself to be still.

Silently to yourself, or out loud, repeat the words:"I trust in my soul and in my path."

When the timer goes off, release your mantra and just be still for as long as you can.

Enjoy the way you feel.