The Magician

The Magician represents your power to manifest the life you are wanting. He appears in readings when it's time to take the first real steps toward actual growth. This is a reminder that you have all that you need and it's time to action.

When this card comes to you in a reading, ask yourself if there is more you can be doing to actively achieve your dreams.

What magic lies dormant within you? What tools are at your disposal? What powers do you really have?

The Magician is associated with the number 1, representing that the beginning steps of something new is on it's way. Perhaps you are at a crossroads in life or finding yourself in situations where you need to make quick decisions.

When the Magician shows up, it is a good sign that not only luck but talent and skill are on your side. He reminds you that you are a powerful being in more than one way. You have many resources and talents available to you if you can think outside of the box.

This is a reminder that you are a conduit who can draw power in from the universe and manifest it on the physical plane. The Magician arrives as a reminder that you have the ability to live the life of your dreams.

You are the creator of your own reality and can utilize the universal energy around you. Remember that your thoughts and emotions are important building blocks when it comes to creating the life that you want.

The Magician is powerful because he is balanced and stable in all 4 suits of the Tarot and their corresponding facets of life: the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental.

He is a good omen that you are on your way to manifesting your desires and fulfilling your goals. Look within and gather up all your resources and talents and take the needed actions.

Remember to be creative, and that imaginative thinking is key to your success. Staying grounded and balanced can be key to anchoring in your creativity.

Use the magic and ancient wisdom stored within you. Something miraculous can happen when you realize that you have more power than you think!