The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man calls to remind you it is time to pause for a breath. He wishes you to take this opportunity to step into stillness, to look deep within and let the answers come to you.

This card is about letting go of the need to control, to surrender, surrender, surrender! Allow the universe to work her magic! You my love, are on path. Take a moment to step out of time and space, meditate, relax, and trust in your soul!

Let go of the need to control, and just trust in the Almighty power of the universe! Imagine you are a piece of driftwood and the river that is the universe will take you where you want to go. There is no need to grasp or hold on; you have everything you need right now. Enjoy the beauty of it all!

Although the Hanged Man is suspended in time, he can represent many things. He is relaxed and has the deepest trust in his path. There is no fear; there is only love. He is surrounded by love, as are you! You can relax, you have nothing to worry about.

Have you been feeling a bit blue maybe or are you at a standstill? This card comes to tell you to honor how you feel. It shows up to remind you that you are perfect exactly as you are and all is unfolding. You are to find a quiet place and meditate, go deep within, practice listening! The answers are coming.

Look for a new perspective, turn things upside down and let the blood rush to your head! Clear out the old and create space for the new!

Find a new way to see the world, a new vantage point. Upside down is always a good one. Let the blood bathe your brain and wash away all that you no longer require. Being upside down also relaxes you and restores you. It is also a lot of fun - try it!

Today's Meditation:

Sit quietly and relax. Bring all your attention into your breathing.

Become a piece of driftwood. Allow your breath to move you along, effortlessly; ebb and flow with your breath. Be very aware of your body and how you feel.

Stay with your breathing for 10-20 minutes. Thew slowly let go of it all and just sink into stillness. Stay here as long as you can. Enjoy! Breath in peace, breath out peace.