The Devil

It's time to release all that's no longer serving you.

The Devil is your no-nonsense reminder to take stock of whatever has been holding you back in life. If you've been feeling trapped, lost, or unfulfilled, the Devil is urging you to do what it takes to break free of this bondage.

Oftentimes, what keeps us stuck are outdated mindsets that lead to addiction, unhealthy vices, and/or a lack of self-control and moderation.

Now is the time to identify what mental limitations need to be worked through.

General Readings

When you receive the Devil in a general reading, it's a sign that something big needs to change. You are being called to dive deep and tackle any shadow work you've been avoiding. Make a conscious decision to break free of the limitations you've been imposing on yourself.


When you receive the Devil in a love reading, it can signify a toxic relationship and/or an unhealthy mindset when it comes to romance. This card can also speak of lust and physical temptations that are no longer serving your highest good. Analyze where you've been self-sabotaging, and work on changing those things.


When the Devil shows up in a career reading, it usually sheds light on a feeling of being trapped or stuck in your choice of work. If you're no longer feeling fulfilled, it's time to make a change. Reclaim your power and take accountability for how you decide to move forward.

Negative Aspects

When the Devil shows up in a reading with negative aspects, it signifies a release from the limitations that once kept you bound. If you've been struggling with addiction or unhealthy patterns, know that you have the power to set yourself free.

Now is a time of great transformation in your life. Take advantage of this energy.