The key word for this card is “partnership". Whether this be in a relationship or working together there is a sense that everything is going smoothly.
If you suspect that someone likes you then you are probably correct.
Depending on the cards around it you can see what will transpire from this and if it will be fortuitous or not.
Emotions pass easily between the two people involved. You look to be getting on very well and not noticing too much of what is going on around you, as you only have eyes for each other.
If you have recently met someone new you may like to give this opportunity a chance. The Two of Cups is a love card, it is love which runs smoothly, without drama or fuss and also with a lot of chemistry. There is no third party around to cause problems and the strong union seen in the Two of Cups blends the two individuals together as if they were one.
This is a card about working together with neither of you trying to take power from the other.
You can easily see how this card would also be beneficial for a question relating to a work issue. There is no interference surrounding your work and there is, very likely, someone watching out for you and helping you out. Alongside this you can also expect to be well liked and appreciated for the work you do. There is no imbalance here on having too much or too little workload as everything is harmonious.
The Two of Cups speaks of happy, joyous emotions. It allows you to feel the love flowing within you and also the love surrounding you.
If you have received this card and are in a relationship then you can expect a smooth ride in matters of the heart.