Two of Swords

A relationship may feel tense, even if no one is prepared to acknowledge this at the present time. The Two of Swords indicates that you are now entering a ceasefire, but it is important to realise that the underlying issues will need to be resolved before any significant progress can be made. Imagine sitting with your arms folded, your legs crossed and your eyes closed. Its very difficult to do anything in that position and you may find that this is the energy you are dealing with.

You may feel that you are working at cross purposes, that you are reluctant to commit yourself or that you feel you need to wait for the balance to shift before anything changes.

Sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing at all. Allow events to unfold as the universe intended, which may not be as soon as you would like but also be aware that if things have become stagnant, you may need to be the one to confront things.