Five of Pentacles

"I have insecurities of course, but I don't hang out with anyone who points them out to me". - Adele

Element of earth power: The Five of Pentacles may display distress or feelings of bad omens; however this card is really misunderstood.

The energy of the Five of Pentacles suggests that we may need to be mindful to prepare ourselves for a review of our actions.

The Five of Pentacles is the follow up from the Four of Pentacles. Regarding money, If we overspent or have been cold towards others, it indicates that there will be consequences.

In Love or in relationships, we are reminded that if we had displayed actions that may have been cold towards another, then one would need to be aware of a sense of loss. If the Four of Cups displays possible imbalance if not guarded, then the Five of Pentacles will warn you to be aware of consequences. The Five of Pentacles requires for you to be mindful.

Predominantly the Five of Pentacles is distinct from other cards, as it is suggestive of cause and effects, which tend to highlight fear and or despair. It may seem right now that you’ll never find the love you are searching for or Singles may be in a period of despair, ready to give up their long search for the right partner and give into their loneliness.

Unfortunately, this attitude can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Feelings of isolation or scarcity can appear in existing relationships as well, whether it comes from within one’s partnership or outside of it. Lovers may find it difficult to communicate honestly, or be emotionally close to their partners, creating a wall between one another. Depression may be an issue as well. Sometimes this card can signal a lack of financial security, creating strain in your romantic relationships. This may be a difficult time, but it is more important than ever to draw close together instead of pulling apart.

It is important to understand that the way to interpret this card is dependent on the question one asks. The question is a descriptive representation only of what could come of a certain situation if I do this, or if I do that.

At times of imbalances: This card can really be a good lesson to learn when one addresses one's own actions, or the causes of certain ideals. Question your own intentions to ascertain the direction to take.

Medicine: Change is coming. The moment you review your own actions, you will certainly be able to change the direction if you know why it came up in the first place.

Mantra: I am whole, I am loved.