
Have no fear when the Death card appears! You are merely on the cusp of a major transformation in your life. Now is the time to take the next step on your evolutionary journey.

This is your call to get rid of the unhealthy habits and attachments that have been holding you back from embodying the best version of yourself.

You're approaching the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. In order to move forward, it's time to release all that's no longer serving your highest good. It's time to shake off the old, dense energy so that you can rise above the past and into a new, lighter way of being.

General Readings

When you receive Death in a general reading, it's a call to leave certain things from the past behind so that you can move into the future with a clean slate. There's a huge transformation wanting to take place in your life, and it's important for you to allow it to happen. Even if the changes feel daunting at first, have faith that it's meant for your highest good.


When you receive Death in a love reading, it typically symbolizes the ending of a relationship and/or a limiting mindset about love that has been holding you back. Whether you're single or coupled up, there are unhealthy dynamics at play that have been preventing you from finding true, healthy love. Now is the time to make the decision to walk away from whatever has been holding you back.


When you receive Death in a career reading, it's a call to make some changes when it comes to your work. You are likely feeling unfulfilled and unsatisfied with your current situation, and now is the time to fix this imbalance. Don't be afraid to walk away from a job or career if it's no longer making you happy. Follow your heart and the money will come.

Negative Aspects

When Death shows up in a reading with negative aspects, it usually means that you've been resisting change in some area of your life. Even though something is no longer working for you, you've been fearful of letting it go. Change can be scary, but it's the only way to truly grow as a person. Trust that the changes you're being called to make now are meant for your highest good. You are always supported by the universe.