Three of Swords

It could be that you are involved in a stressful situation, the inconsistencies of another may confuse you, and this could perhaps be an on-off relationship or a passionate obsessive affair that fails to develop into anything long-standing or secure.

Someone may have hurt your feelings, a love may be lost and you may have shed many tears but this is part of life's path and heartbreak can inspire much spiritual growth and deep penetrating insights.

Whilst this is not a reassuring card by any means, it does offer hope. Life is about choices, options and free will. We learn by living with the consequences of the choices we make.

The Three of Swords often appears when we are suffering the full impact of these choices. The weather is stormy and we have yet to find the silver lining in that cloud.

But hope is there under the surface. Silence your ego, establish solid boundaries and remember that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. YOU need to be the catalyst for the change you desire.