Knight of Swords

This card can represent the arrival of a new person in your life. However, caution is needed. He may be bright, intelligent, articulate and quite charming. He could also be unreliable and inconsistent. It may feel like you are dealing with twins. At times he will make you think that you have met the person you have been awaiting your whole life. At other times, for no apparent reason, he may leave you wondering what you said or did to burst that bubble.

At first he may behave like an action hero, full of energy, ideas, spontaneity and grand plans for the future. However he may disappear just as quickly as he appeared, with little or no explanation and no sense of remorse.

When dealing with any of the Knights it is important to remember that you are dealing with an immature nature. Actual age is irrelevant. Emotional immaturity and carefree abandon is usually what we can expect from those under 25, but never forget that much older people can be just as unreliable.