The Lovers

At first glance this card appears to be all about love, but it is actually all about the choices we make in life and taking personal responsibility for those choices.

Many cards show three figures. This can indicate that a matchmaker is involved, and can also represent a third party - someone may be cheating or having an affair.

This is, of course, a very significant card and can indicate two people who care about each other very much and are making choices together about their future life.

The Lovers card can also indicate a choice between two potential partners, or between a lover and someone else in your life who is very important to you (possibly a parent) – once again follow your heart.

The Lovers may appear when you need to start making decisions for yourself about life, love, career and also moving out of the parental home to become independent for the first time.

In a career or business reading this card shows that there is a major choice – follow your heart and listen to your inner voice – you can't fail!