The Devil

Like Death, the Devil at first appears to be a scary character – but look again, he's really more of a caricature than anything else. When the Devil turns up it may be time to face our inner fears, the ones that come from our past / childhood, confront them and then break free from them.

Fears are only so scary when they're buried inside of us. Once we can face our fears then we can see that our own personal Devil is not so scary after all – and that's when we can break free from him and move forwards in our lives.

FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real

In a love reading the Devil can indicate an obsessive relationship or even a co-dependant one. Take a look at your relationship. Do you really LOVE this person or are you simply dependant on them and looking to them to take care of your needs and offer you security? Remember another person can't do that for you; its something you need to do for yourself.

This card can also show temptation, as in the temptation for another person, to have an affair on the part of one or both of the parties. What negativity is already present in your relationship, that this temptation has presented itself? It might be time to break free of the current relationship or to say a firm no to the temptation.

On a lighter note the Devil can have positive connotations in a love relationship. This card can indicate an extremely passionate sexual attraction between the parties (he isn't nicknamed the X-rated-lover for nothing), and surrounded by positive cards this can show the manifestation of an emotional love on the physical plane.

In a career/business spread, perhaps you are being very negative about your future prospects. You might even be depressed or at the start of a psychological illness due to stress and worry. Maybe you need to take a step back and see the situation more clearly. You need to make sure that you are being ethical in your business dealings, particularly with money, and not be tempted by get rich quick schemes or unethical practices. Equally you need to be wary of others around you behaving in this manner.

There is a positive side to the Devil as he shows material success. So long as money and success don't become the ONLY things that matter in your working life, then the Devil can be a help and not a hindrance. He indicates success in financial matters.

Finally, sometimes we can't always take life seriously – on occasion it's appropriate to be 'a-bit-of-a-Devil' – everything in moderation being the key here.